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"Located on the skirt of Baekyoon peak of Buk-Ak mountain, Park Eul Bok Embroidery Museum opened on May 25, 2002. Contributed to the development of Korean contemporary embroidery and various forms of culture and art, combining the flow of traditional and modern fine art of embroidery, 40 pieces of Pak Eul Bok’s work is widely open to the public. Reorganizing the history of modern embroidery, viewers can witness the flow of Korean fine art- embroidery at a glance. In addition, through the various chapters of the traditional cultural and educaitonal programs, the museum expects to serve as a cultural and artististic experience space for the public.

Showroom No.1 located on the first floor of the museum, exhibiting conducted Spring and Fall exhibitions featuring topics in art field in general. The permanent collection of Park Eul Bok’s Embroidery is located on the second floor at showroom No.2. Other areas in the museum are also utilized by various conducted educational programs.

The building was designed in 1967 by architect Inguk Jeong (1916~1975, Head of Architecture Department of Hong Ik University, President of Institute of Korea Architects). Today's look was completed through renovation in 2001 by architect Myungwon Jung(Professor at Hong Ik University), a son of Inguk Jung. "