Untitled Document
<2012 Fall>

Successive Work of 7 Artists

Sceneries We Embroidered

22 Oct, 2012 ~ 16 Nov, 2012

As a spin-off from the previous exhibition ‘Successive Work of 7 Artists : Sceneries We Embroidered’ will be represented at Park Eul-bok Embroidery Museum in fall 2012. The exhibition is composed of landscape embroidery artworks by Park Eul-bok, Chang Youngran, Park Jungley, Jang Sooyeon, Lee Sangyung, and figurative artworks by Yun Mikyung and Youn Soonran. The selected works are covering from traditional embroidery artworks to contemporary 2D, relief and 3D artworks in fiber.
In addition to this exhibition, embroidery classes taught by the participated artists will be held at the museum as a new program as well as classes for making embroidered goods in accord with the museum publication ‘All the colors of Beauty Needle Engraved’ based upon the hands-on experiences in 2011. We very much appreciate your interests and participations."